notes from the outer world.

(Jesus, been reading up all the unfolding issues, responses and thoughts related to ongoing … issues and disputes and really am torn to whether I should stay at or not. It’s a cozy place, a mostly great community and of course a cool piece of technology. But for now I … feel insecure about parts of the current discussion, about how things went, about how communication was lead and, specifically, about things were about to be resolved. Trying to address this kind of conflicts in public, in a written way by throwing messages back and forth probably isn’t a very good idea compared to people sitting together, having a drink and getting things out of the way. But I’m not really glad with the outcome of these things either. Maybe I … would have “just” expected a bit more, a stronger, more visible and determined standing for certain ideals and positions on micro.blogs end. But maybe it’s just me, not sure.)

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍